enrolment closed for fall 2024. work with me 1x1 here.


a seven-week transformational healing journey + soulful sisterhood to activate rooted joy + newfound freedom where your life matters most with ease.


there’s an energy that creates freedom in

mind, body, emotions and spirit.

in health, purpose, wealth and relationships.

this energy is a force, intelligence and miracle in every flower that blooms.

large and tiny. wild and cultivated. spring, summer, fall and winter,

flowers bloom on this stunning planet in every season.

no matter what inner or outer season you’re in right now,

this energy is what I call rooted joy and it’s in you.

this type of joy is part of your nature, can never taken away and doesn’t run out.

when you connect with this part of you with purpose and consistency, you are free.

rooted joy is essential. not extra.

ECSTATIC BLOOM is not a seven-week course that teaches you how to create fleeting moments of happiness.

if feeling happy is all there is to being human, we would not have our wild and fluctuating range of emotions that can and do change like shifting tides that can leave us feeling disempowered. removed. unwell. off center.

rooted joy is an energy that helps you center when you’re pulled in many directions.

this energy, like an underground root system that connects, communicates, nourishes and protects companion plants that grow, bloom and thrive, together - like roses and lavenders do when they are planted next to each other.

different, and, better together.

like soulful sisters joining hearts and magic-k happens.

k for kindreds. by spirit. not blood. nor obligation.

welcome to ECSTATIC BLOOM. i’m soul happy you’re here.


“is ECSTATIC BLOOM for me?let’s find out.

Hey sister.

I know what being disconnected from this energy can feel like because I lived this way.

when life’s daily demands and ongoing tasks, sudden twists and turns, and outdated ways of thinking and doing from unaddressed childhood, ancestral and cultural traumas and conditionings left us feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and dissatisfied.

some days you can’t help but feel unequipped, inadequate or even undeserving of feeling your joy or freedom like you just can’t win in the ocean of emotional turmoil and external circumstances that challenge you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

you’re not alone in feeling isolated, overwhelmed, frustrated and even ashamed while giving your best to carry on as the problem-solver at work. at home. you wear many hats. you take care of your world.


other than your names like mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, boss, co-worker and more, you are also soul. girl. flower follower.

multi-talented. spirited. spiritual. wise.


to live in joy and feel free. this is also who you are.

you know you’re here for an incredible life.

with insights, tools, life skills and a dollop magic-k to guide, nourish and up-skill you in challenging times consistently and effectively,

life is extraordinary. not endurance challenge that leaves you feeling engulfed, depleted or separate from rooted joy and freedom that energize your body and feeds your soul.


I know without doubt that you have what it takes to bloom in your everyday life when you discover, create and celebrate your life with your unique Joy Essence that helps you live a fulfilling, expansive and ecstatic life as a wise, evolving soul in human body.

you’re in this lifetime to feel more alive than ever before on this insanely beautiful, breathing Planet.


I believe in you deeply because I see this coming true powerfully and consistently in the everyday lives of women I guide in my 1:1 transformational healing containers when she answers soul’s calling and lives in her Joy Essence that creates next-level freedom in her body, purpose, wealth, one-on-one relationships and more.


my approach to transformational healing is deeply rooted in combining my clair senses, and extensive trainings across ancient East Asian and Native American wisdom traditions, healing modalities and modern integrative health coaching.

I help you reconnect and strengthen intuitive leadership and live a soul-centered life with insights, tools and practices that improve your everyday life quality physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually with practicality, ease and impact.  

in the last decade, leaving the corporate world and externally defined successes in Organizational Change Management Consulting for Fortune 100 companies, initiating into motherhood, grieving departures of loved ones and moving across to the country to study Acupuncture and Clinical Chinese Herbal Medicine brought me deep into my own soul-body healing evolution where I often found myself navigating deep love and grief as two sides of one coin.

in the density and darkness of my own emotional turmoil and healing needs I reconnected with my clair senses that I first experienced at age seven when I began training in shamanic healing with my paternal grandmother, and found deepening reverence and resonance with Earth’s profound healing powers.

overtime, my journey helped me refine my gifts and life skills for restoring health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

it became natural and necessary to share what I learned with others who were looking to feel better. I realized I was on a path to empower and equip others in the navigating acute changes and chronic challenges in their everyday lives.

I pursued extensive trainings to deepen my understanding and skills to facilitate transformational healing in both 1:1 and group experiences.  

I have helped countless women discover rooted joy and access authentic freedom with insights, tools and skills that increase self-awareness, discover soul purpose, navigate everyday life challenges with ease and bring new realities to life that match soul’s calling.  

transformations I’ve had the privilege to guide and witness have inspired, humbled and excited me to continue on my path of ecstatic service.

my clients consistently reflect that my healing is direct, compassionate and impactful.

read their reflections here.

guiding you out of overwhelm, depletion and confusion and

into purpose, inspiration, and ease are why I wake up feeling devoted, inspired and in awe of our individual and collective power to bloom together physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually in everyday life. 

I am a certified integrative health coach, registered yoga teacher, mindfulness meditation guide and shamanic soul healing facilitator.

I was raised in a household of four generations of Chinese Medicine wisdom and practice.

currently, I am in my third year of pursing my Master’s in Traditional East Asian Medicine and treating patients in our community teaching clinic in Los Angeles with acupuncture, and clinical Chinese herbal medicine.



ecstatic bloom.

hello beautiful,

in this seven-week transformational healing journey, you enter sacred, soul space to discover your unique Joy Essence, clear conscious and subconscious obstructions that have kept you from rooted joy and write a new life chapter.

as you step through your own seed-to-bloom journey with me , you also bond with soulful women who are transforming through their own joy x freedom journey alongside you - unlocking unparalleled self-discovery while having a blast being together.  

your bloom journey.

  • we meet 1x per week as a group. each week we gather for 75-90 minutes (vary by week) on Zoom for learning, discovery and reflections in circle. Replay is available, and what you put into this experience is what you get out. I strongly encourage your live participation in weekly circles to get the most out of this experience.

  • you and I meet 3x over the course of seven weeks for 60 minutes each time. this is your sanctuary for individual healing + integration.

  • in these seven weeks, we explore flower medicine, energetics of relationships between emotional x physical wellbeing, and somatic practices that grow your awareness, understanding and integration of your unique joy essence.

rooted joy.

  • discover your golden seed.

    you begin with a golden seed ready to root in joy in one core area of your life. in week one and two, we explore your unique joy essence.

    weeks 1 + 2

    discover your unique joy essence, and what’s ripe ‘n ready for your now planting season. you may know exactly what you’re growing!

    or, not yet. all good.

    come as you are.

  • enrich YOUR SOIL.

    blooming requires healthy soil. you learn how to cultivate nourishing space physically and metaphysically that s essential for accessing your Joy Power consistently and effectively, no matter what life throws at you.

    weeks 3, 4 + 5

    resilience is life skill. not resistance. you learn + practice how to prepare, restore and enrich your physiological + energetic spaces to access, amplify and nourish your Joy Power with meaningfully and impactuflly with ease. daily.

  • INTEGRATE your bloom cycle.

    digest + refine what you’ve gathered.

    share your insights, wisdom and reflections with soul sisters in sacred space each week.

    complete all three 1:1 customised healing x integration sessions with me by week seven.

    weeks 6 + 7:

    integrate your seed-to-bloom cycle and be held in all you’ve received, shared and become.

    together, we CELEBRATE!!

ecstatic bloom.

discover your rooted joy + ignite newfound freedom where your life matters most with ease + impact.

we begein 08.20.2024
join from where you are.



week 1

activating soul in body.

emotionwise | the energetics of joy.

week 2

meeting your unique joy essence +

discovering next-level freedom.

emotionwise | the energetics of grief.

week 3

clearing your energy field.

emotionwise | the energetics of rumination + anxiety.

week 4

preparing your physical space.

week 5

nourishing your joy with food.

emotionwise | the energetics of anger.

week 6

untethering stuckness to multiply your joy consistently.

emotionwise | the energetics of fear + shock.

week 7

integrating + growing together. we celebrate!!!


this is an intimate group transformational healing experience and space is limited.

$125 deposit once application is approved to confirm your spot which is part of your total payment.

early bee

now through july 31 2024

$836 one time payment


two payments of $444 due by week one x week three

after july 31 2024

$999 one time payment


two payments of $555 due by week one x week three

SOUL letter

sign up for sacred soul space + bimonthly selfcare shares.